Proxmox, mySQL, LCX, ceph, helps.

ubuntu 10.04 mysql mode edit nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld_custom.cnf [mysqld] sql_mode = “STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION”

Cousin Camp

This year, the Cousin Camp 2015 theme featured “The Armor of God.” Seven campers (+ 1 jr. camper) participated as a time full of Bible study, fun, and laughter filled the 3 days of camp. Read all about it here…

Soccer Memories

As Coach Wayne signed off for the coach of our Revolution boys, we have a collection of a few memories over the last few years, starting back with the Ozark Parks and Rec team! See it here…

Early Bike Riding

Our little three year old guy decided spring was the time to start riding a bike! He took off on what was his sister’s old bike, and now proudly calls it his “princess bike.” For the last year, he had been using a “Strider” bike out on...

Proxmox, Ceph, and Linux Helps

Passwordless SSH If you don’t want to be prompted for a password each time rsync makes a connection — and you don’t — make sure that you have rsync set up to log in using an SSH key rather than a password. To do this, create an SSH key on the...

AWANA Grand Prix 2013

Ryan and Kaitlyn took 1st and 2nd place respectively in the 2013 AWANA Grand Prix last week. They were very thankful to their Papa Gutsch for making their cars with...

Version 1.60 Plugin for Open Dental

IMPORTANT:This may not work yet with stock code until the OD team inserts a line of code, which I have not yet verified is in everyone else’s program yet. I DO NOT RECOMEND trying this until I can Verify. – DrTech The newest version of DrTech’s Open...