Staining The Office Basement Floor

Well, a few months ago, I didn’t know a thing about acid staining concrete. Now, I am a big fan (Really BIG). After months of remodeling the basement of the office, it is finally taking shape and with the cleanup & staining of the concrete floor today, it really looks good.
It all started last June when we had the most torrential rain in Springfield. After about two days of rain, the out of date
storm sewer and sewage system in the city failed miserably and flooded the entire basement of the office. The rain water overloaded the city storm sewer system and backed up the sewage line back into our basement. You can imagine the mess. Soon after, we had a back flow valve installed so that can’t ever (never say never) happen again. While we were cleaning up, we decided it would be a good time to remodel the basement and make better use of the space.

Fast forward six months…

With only the electrical to finish out and a few more items, we will soon be ready to use the space for a conference room, office, laundry, etc. We are very excited and ready to put it to use! We want to thank Roger Black (and a few of his boys) for all the hard they put into as our remodelers.

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