Day 1 of the Infection:

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With lengthening completed for a week now, Ryan developed an infection in the finger that didn’t lengthen as well as the other, his middle finger. During the lengthening, about day 15, this finger showed signs of reaching the end of length with the ski not stretching like the other. The skin around the pins near the end of the finger became tight and thin. We stopped lengthening. However a week or so later, that tight skin started to die off. Since then, God’s amazing creation of human skin has been re-contouring itself around the area. Distal to all this, infection set in on the pins up on the hand. The Lord is using Antibiotics and Ryan’s immune system to overcome this infection, but it is not an easy road. The problem now is that the whole pin set up is not very stable as the end pins are be pushed out of the finger. We only hope there is still a little bone attached…

Day 5 of the Infection:

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