by drtech | Feb 24, 2013 | Field Trips, Headlines, Homeschool, Life
Spending the afternoon exploring God’s creation underground, the whole family took a field trip to Fantastic Caverns! The cave is just north of Springfield, so not too far of a trip and the kids loved exploring this cave for the first time, being the second cave...
by drtech | Feb 10, 2013 | Music, Resources
Following up a music video we thoroughly enjoyed titled: “Orphan Girl,” Amber and Erin Rogers of Scenic Roots just released another fantastic music video that you will enjoy. This great tune is titled: “Road to Damascus.” Below is the previous...
by drtech | Aug 27, 2012 | For Sale, Life
$22,500 for this is a fully upgraded CEREC 3D Redcam with v3.8 Biogeneric CEREC software. This Biogeneric software makes much better looking crowns than the old software and does it even easier than before! You can use the buccal bite feature which really helps in...
by drtech | Mar 24, 2012 | For Sale
$17,000 for this is an upgraded CEREC 3D Redcam with v3.6 CEREC software. The acquisition unit has a BRAND NEW 2011 Core i7 950 3.07Ghz Intel Processor for blazing speed. This would allow you to move up to version 3.8 or even 4.0 software with no problem and for many...
by drtech | Sep 9, 2011 | Recipes & Food, Resources
This idea has been in my thoughts for years as I saw the more people drank diet pop the less weight they lost and actually seemed to gain weight! Now, it may be that they would just get fat anyway, but there is no doubt that diet soda does nothing to help you loose...
by drtech | Aug 16, 2011 | Headlines, Homeschool, Life
The journey has begun! Ryan embarked a few days ago on his new adventure of “real school.” He has been homeschooling, as most homeschoolers do, soon after God brought him into this world and already at his ripe old age of 5 1/2, he is...