Passwordless SSH
If you don’t want to be prompted for a password each time rsync makes a connection — and you don’t — make sure that you have rsync set up to log in using an SSH key rather than a password. To do this, create an SSH key on the local machine using
ssh-keygen -t dsa
and press Enter when prompted for a passphrase. After the key is created, use
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/
to copy the public key to the remote host.
check to see if your directory is encrypted:
ls -A /home
if a “.ecryptfs” folder/file is there, then it is encrypted.
use it on encrypted dir
sudo mkdir /etc/ssh/USERNAME
sudo chmod 0755 /etc/ssh/USERNAME
sudo cp /home/USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc/ssh/USERNAME
sudo chmod 644 /etc/ssh/USERNAME/authorized_keys
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/%u/authorized_keys
sudo service ssh restart
Use .ssh keys on encrypted dir
$ /sbin/umount.ecryptfs_ private $ cd $HOME $ chmod 700 . $ mkdir -m 700 .ssh $ chmod 500 . $ echo $YOUR_REAL_ PUBLIC_ KEY > .ssh/authorized _keys $ /sbin/mount. ecryptfs_ private
Rsync Common Examples
rsync -avz /home/ root@
Cluster Recovery
If you have major problems with your Proxmox VE host, e.g. hardware issues, it could be helpful to just copy the pmxcfs database file /var/lib/pve-cluster/config.db and move it to a new Proxmox VE host. On the new host (with nothing running), you need to stop the pve-cluster service and replace the config.db file (needed permissions : 600). Second, adapt /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts according to the lost Proxmox VE host, then reboot and check. (And don´t forget your VM/CT data)
Remove Cluster configuration
The recommended way is to reinstall the node after you removed it from your cluster. This makes sure that all secret cluster/ssh keys and any shared configuration data is destroyed.
I some cases, you might prefer to put a node back to local mode without reinstall, which is described here:
stop the cluster file system in /etc/pve/
# service pve-cluster stop
start it again but forcing local mode
# pmxcfs -l
remove the cluster config
# rm /etc/pve/cluster.conf
# rm /etc/cluster/cluster.conf
# rm /var/lib/pve-cluster/corosync.authkey
stop the cluster file system again
# service pve-cluster stop
restart pve services (or reboot)
# service pve-cluster start
# service pvedaemon restart
# service pveproxy restart
# service pvestatd restart
Static/Dynamic IP Ubuntu
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameserver dns-nameservers
Windows 8.1 Accessible Samba Shares
sudo useradd -s /bin/true SAMBAUSERNAME sudo smbpasswd -L -a SAMBAUSERNAME sudo smbpasswd -L -e SAMBAUSERNAME
Add Ubuntu User
sudo adduser NEWUSERNAME sudo gpasswd -a NEWUSERNAME sudo
Install Webmin
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Add Lines
deb sarge contrib deb sarge contrib
Ctrl+ X & Y to Exit and Save
wget sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install webmin
Editing the CEPH CRUSH Map
ceph osd getcrushmap -o crushmap1
cp crushmap1 crushmap_org
crushtool -d crushmap1 -o crushmap1.txt
nano crushmap1.txt
crushtool -c crushmap1.txt -o crushmap_new
ceph osd setcrushmap -i crushmap_new
High Availability, HA: reset rgmanager
Get rgmanager to start, check status and rejoin fence group
fence_tool join fence_tool ls
after an HA event, you need to re-enable the rgmanager to allow management of the VMs from one computer to another.
/etc/init.d/rgmanager start
If you are going to reboot the proxmox server for kernel updates, first stop the rgmanager to prevent a fencing even and power cut off from the APC PDU
/etc/init.d/rgmanager stop
Proxmox from USB:
1) Use rufus to copy ISO to usb (
2) Copy the actual *.iso file to the root of your usb drive so you can mount it later (I renamed mine proxmox.iso to make it easy)
2) Boot from USB
3) Type ‘debug’ before pressing enter on the proxmox boot screen
4) At the command prompt, you have to mount the ‘proxmox.iso’ file you copied to the drive earlier by doing the following:
#fdisk -l
find out what the path to your usb stick is (look at the GB’s). In my case it is /dev/sdg1 for the partition on my stick
#mount /dev/sdg1 /mnt
#mount -o loop -t iso9660 /mnt/proxmox.iso /mnt
#cd /mnt
#chroot /mnt sbin/
5)Proxmox install should start and be lightning fast compared to a CD if you are using a fast USB 3.0 drive.
Create Proxmox Cluster
1) Only On ONE machine type:
pvecm create <clustername>
2) On the other machines, tell the cluster to join the original
pvecm add <original machine ip> 3) see cluster status
pvecm status
Update Proxmox Using Free GPL Code With No Subscription
nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list
Comment out with a #
#deb wheezy pve-enterprise
CTRL+X to exit and then type Y to save
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
erase all and Add these lines
deb jessie main contrib # PVE pve-no-subscription repository provided by, NOT recommended for production use deb jessie pve-no-subscription # security updates deb jessie/updates main contrib
CTRL+X to exit and then type Y to save
Repeat this on all your nodes.
Remove Subscription Nag from Proxmox
Backup the file
cp /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js_bak
nano /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js
CTRL+W and type
you will find a line that looks like:
if (data.status !== 'Active') {
change it to:
if (false) {
CTRL+X to exit and then type Y to save
Repeat this on all your nodes.
Install Ceph on Proxmox
First, make sure you setup a second subnet for private traffic of the ceph cluster replication from the public traffic going out to VMs
I setup and
-Run on all nodes:
pveceph install -version hammer
-Run on ONE node
pveceph init --network
nano /etc/pve/ceph.conf
change the public AND private networks to your public subnet until you create the monitors, then switch the private network option back later on ( from
pveceph createmon
Then you can create more monitors from the proxmox web gui. Make sure you have at least three.
nano /etc/pve/ceph.conf
After the monitors are created, change the private network back to and leave the public one alone this time.
Setup OSDs for Ceph with BTRFS on Proxmox
prepare the journal SSD disk
parted /dev/SSD mkpart journal-2 1 15G mkpart journal-3 15G 30G mkpart journal-4 30G 45G q
To clear the disk if it is already partitioned:
ceph-disk zap /dev/sd(x)
Setup the osd:
pveceph createosd /dev/sd(x) -fstype btrfs
Connect Proxmox to Ceph cluster RBD
Run on any proxmox node: # mkdir /etc/pve/priv/ceph # cd /etc/pve/priv/ceph # scp <ceph-admin>:/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring /etc/pve/priv/ceph/<storageID>.keyring Note that storageID is the name of the storage we are going to create through the Proxmox GUI. We are going to use cephrbd01 as the Proxmox RBD storage name. If your storage name is cephrbd01, then you would fill out the RBD storage info like: ID: cephrbd01 Pool: <ceph pool name> Monitor Host: <monitor ip:6789>,<>, <>, etc ie:;; user name: admin
Remove offending SSH Keys
(you have a new machine with the same IP as and old machine or you rebuilt one)
Find out what line it is in your key file by looking at the warning message when you try to connect via ssh
Replace that line number between the quotes and leave the ‘d’ with it
sed -i '6d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Fix Grub Options for incompatible graphics
nano /etc/default/grub
comment out the section to disable video “=console”