Open Dental Gold

Take Open Dental to a new level with Open Dental Gold!

There are many enhancements, including: Popups, Payment Plans, Installment Plans, Referrals, Statements, Account Totals, Progress Notes/CommLog, Insurance Summary, Reports, and many more!

Go to the download area for the latest version below by clicking here:

***Updated 03/04/2020, OpenDentalGold.dll 19.2.1***


  • You can turn on and off each feature to customize its function for your office
  • Two customized popups that are less obtrusive as they don’t require you to click them, but still popup important info for you about your patients
  • Makes payment plans clearer in the account and statements are easier to read
  • Customized and reorganized “Reports” window
  • Built in INTERACTIVE Payment Plan tracker report on the reorganized reports window
  • Prints out clearly Installment Plan agreements on the statements as well as payment plans.
  • Replaces Aging Box with written clarification on statements about balance
  • You can change the Title on Statements
  • Option not show insurance estimates on your statements while still allowing you staff to have access to the estimates in the account. (this is very helpful to avoid miscalculated estimate issues since the statement shows the actual account balance and not the calculated estimate balance.
  • Makes referrals easier to use and manage in the Chart

a)Referrals show in in a color so you can see them
b)You can edit the referrals right from the chart
c)You are notified if you forgot to enter a referral with the colored line
d)You can see your outgoing referrals in the chart

The changes for referrals in OD

    • You can also have alerts in and Account for your front staff to see new referrals out and new patients who still need an incoming referral entered before they leave your office.
    • Always up to date insurance summary info in the account without having to hover your mouse
    • You can view all the progress notes in the account instead of only the CommLog. (This is very helpful to be able to quickly see if the patient has a next appointment from the account at check out)
    • These options are all customizable. You can use one, two or all of them. Just set the options by navigating to the menu Setup | Modules and clicking the “DrTech’s Plugin Options” button.

Description by Visualization

With and Without the Plugin

Installing the Plugin

To enable it, you must be sure you are using the specified Open Dental version below. Just download the file below, unzip it, and then copy it to your open dental folder (usually “c:\program files\open dental”) Start Open Dental, create a program link, enable it and in the dll path box, type “OpenDentalGold.dll”. Be sure to get the capitalization right. For the Text on the Program Link, put something like “Gold Options” or whatever you would like. Be sure to select what module you want the button to show. This is how you will access the options to turn features on or off. Restart Open Dental and enjoy!


Download & Changelog:

v19.2.1 (For use with v19.2.40 and above of Open Dental)

V19.2.1(10/10/2019) OpenDentalGold(v19.2.1)

-Works with ODv19.2.40 and higher

-Known bug – Can’t open Open Dental Gold preferences in some instances and causes it to crash

v14.1.14 (For use with v14.1.14 and above of Open Dental)

V14.1.14(04/05/2014) OpenDentalGold(v14.1.14)

-Fixed bug in initial 14.1.13 release that caused the chart to crash if pt had an rx
-Verified this version works with OD 14.2 as well as 14.1
-Updated internal code to Work with OD 14.1

Skipped version for OD 13.3 since it was never released to the public, use 14.1 or higher instead.

v13.2.19 (For use with v13.2.19 and above of Open Dental)

V13.2.19(11/24/2013) OpenDentalGold(v13.2.19)

-Changed the version to match the version of Open Dental that the ~Gold~ plugin was tested with for easy identification.

-Added custom splash image for Open Dental Gold with *.jpg copied to the Open Dental folder

-added two additional popup options which are much smoother for day to day operations

-added custom plugin menu

All older versions of Open Dental Gold were an older plugin, called DrTech’s Plugin for Open Dental which can be found here.

Please be sure to let me know of any bugs or changed you would like by commenting below. If you want the source code, please send me an e-mail or leave a comment with the best way to contact you. If can be downloaded via SVN just like the main Open Dental code. Thanks!

-David Fuchs