by drtech | Apr 14, 2009 | Hilarious, Politics
Obama tells everyone he is going to stop privacy when Mr. Teleprompter gives him the word piracy…
by drtech | Apr 14, 2009 | Politics
WAKE UP CALL: TEXAS GOV. BACK RESOLUTION AFFIRMING SOVEREIGNTY Tue Apr 14 2009 08:44:54 ET AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry joined state Rep. Brandon Creighton and sponsors of House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 50 in support of states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to...
by drtech | Apr 14, 2009 | Politics
Our own Federal Government’s “Department Of Homeland Security” now says the “Right Wing Extremests” are a threat. The Title is: Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and...
by drtech | Feb 10, 2009 | Politics
People better wake up: Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: Betsy McCaughey Commentary by Betsy McCaughey Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) — Republican Senators are questioning whether President Barack Obama’s stimulus bill contains the right mix of tax breaks...
by drtech | Feb 7, 2009 | Politics
“There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jumpstart the economy.” — PRESIDENT-ELECT BARACK OBAMA, JANUARY 9 , 2009 With all due respect Mr.President,that is not true. More government spending by...