Sixth Surgery Complete
God once again shows His mercy and Grace by bringing Ryan through another surgery on his hand. This time, Dr. Seitz removed the lengtheners and pins and preformed a syndactyly surgery. The syndactyly release’s purpose was to remove scar tissue between the pinky and ring finger that was just stretched over 20mm and and lower…
Infection in Pin Site
Day 1 of the Infection: 2/28/2010 [nggallery id=32] With lengthening completed for a week now, Ryan developed an infection in the finger that didn’t lengthen as well as the other, his middle finger. During the lengthening, about day 15, this finger showed signs of reaching the end of length with the ski not stretching like…
Ryan’s Stretchy at Day 14
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Day 6: Lengthening Ryan’s Two Middle Fingers
We praise the Lord, God that He created such marvels like the human body. Who could have thought of making bone where it heals itself and grows new bone as we apply pressure and pull it apart? No one but the living, awesome God Himself. At the End of day 6, we have seen 6mm of…
God brought Ryan through 5th surgery!
Ryan did great with this second round of surgery. Dr. Seitz placed two lengtheners on his middle two fingers and placed a bandage for healing. That will stay on for one week and then the stretching will start. Coming out of anesthesia is always the hardest part for Ryan. He struggled for a while, but…
Fifth Surgery for Ryan Scheduled
We are all excited as Ryan gets to continue his hand reconstruction with his fifth surgery scheduled as he starts the second round of treatment. Dr. Seitz of the Cleveland Clinic in Beachwood, Ohio will continue to be his surgeon. We ask for prayer for Dr. Seitz, his team, skilled hands and work, and for…